We Do What Your Attorney Doesn't

Estate Settlement Made Simple

Get your life back with our "Out of State PR System"
Plug into our team of trusted local service providers
Find out why your largest estate asset is at risk of total loss
A proven system that settles estates faster and for more money
Sell with confidence through our network of more than 10,000 buyers, lenders and entrepreneurs

Our Simplifi System is a step by step guide to getting more done with less effort.

Are You Suffering Trying to Settle an Estate?

Live too far away
Don't have the time or resources
Just getting started or uncertain of your next move
Need help NOW... with just the little things
Don't know who to trust to help
Inherited a Small Business with no succession planning
Have unknowingly put property at risk of total loss?

The Benefits of Our Services

Immediately plug into a team of local Service Providers
We how you how to protect your most valuable asset
Create an actionable plan designed around your specific needs
Sell with confidence, we get over 10,000 buyers, lenders, and entrepreneurs competing for your estate assets
We don't just tell you, we help you

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Estate Settlement Plan

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Schedule an Introductory Call

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Create a Plan

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We Help You Execute the Plan

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Finally, a service built to...

Why I'm a member...

Sarah Jones

Immediately help you with the small things
Get your cash now
Help with inherited businesses
Buy unwanted real estate
Create wealth real estate vehicles so you can enjoy a better life
Help you complete the process - Our concierges assist you every step of the way

What Makes the Difference

Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between estates that are settled efficiently and create wealth for the heirs and those that don’t?

We know. We created a system just for you.

It’s all laid out for you, page after page, inside our “Out of State PR Guide”

So learn how to Simplify the Estate Settlement Process 

Download the FREE Guide - “Five Steps to Settle Estates Faster and For More $”

Free PDF Download

What Every Beneficiary Wish They Knew BEFORE They Sold ANY Property

P.S. It is important to note there can be significant tax consequences when settling an estate. Ask your tax advisor. Use the “Taxes” checklist inside the guide to help with the conversation.

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